

❤️ Kotlin ❤️ Python ❤️ | Scala | Java

On Value:

Talk is cheap. Show me the code.

— Linus Torvalds
2000-08-25: Message to linux-kernel mailing list.

US Army veteran; Software engineer with professional acclaim by promoting the success of companies and individuals.

How can I help you:

✅ Attain your Digital Transformation goals predictably and on-budget.
✅ Breakdown your Monolith into resilient Distributed System.
✅ Start your software team strong, so they don’t slide back down again.

Favored Technologies & Frameworks:


Generated automatically by Tillie (SEER™) for ASE Inc.

Since 2017: Advanced Software Enterprises

⭐️ Digital Transformation
⭐️ Solutions Architect
⭐️ Product Development
⭐️ Software Engineering
⭐️ Startup Bootstrapping

2012–2017: Deutsche Bank Global Technology

⭐️ dbECM Platform
⭐️ Atlas
⭐️ Equities BI

2011–2012: Xybion Corporation


2006-2011: Glemser Technologies

⭐️ Big-Pharma Content Platforms

1990-2005: C/C++ World

A Little Mystery for the Curious Mind

I’ve embedded hidden tales within these scrolls. If you’re as curious as I am, you might uncover some Easter eggs.

The Law of Success

In the world of business, the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love.

— Warren Buffett